Framer Components & Overrides | Lifetime Access


Unlock the power of Framer with our Components & Overrides.

With the lifetime license, you will have access to 10+ Framer components and overrides, like:

  1. Text Scroll Reveal: Create text animations triggered by scroll and animated word by word or character by character.

  2. Image Before & After: Create an interactive slider that allows users to transition between two images, revealing or hiding portions of each image to showcase product transformations, design changes, or any other visual comparisons.

  3. Share to Social Media: Enable users to share the current page across various social media platforms.

  4. Twitter with Timeline & Tweet: Integrate your Twitter by displaying your timeline or individual tweets.

  5. Scroll to Top: This component allows you to add a button that smoothly scrolls the page back to the top when clicked.

  6. Stop Scroll: With this component, you can temporarily disable scrolling, which is useful for showcasing preloaders or other animations.

  7. Scroll Progress Percentage: This component displays a visual representation of the user's scrolling progress on the current page.

  8. Tags: Organize and display tags with this component, making it easier to showcase categorized content or highlight keywords.

  9. Download: Offers a convenient way to share access files or resources directly from your website.

  10. Copy to Clipboard: Allow users to copy text to their clipboard with a single click.

  11. Truncate Text: Control the visibility of textual content by specifying the maximum number of lines.


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